Sourced from: Infinite Health Blog, by Dr. Davis,
originally posted on the Wheat Belly Blog: 2012-02-18
Wheat Belly on local TV
Here’s a recent
TV interview for local Milwaukee TV.
missing, and nothing turns up
in a search of the WISN station site)
The local reporter interviews
a nutritionist at the Medical College of Wisconsin, who
brilliantly defends the “healthy whole grain”
dictum. (Just kidding; she barely knew what she was talking about.)
The inevitable Dr. Glenn Gaesser
of the Grain Foods Foundation makes a brief phone appearance,
as well, defending Frankengrain by pointing out that it is
not “genetically-modified” and people who eat
wheat are more slender. (It’s always good to throw in
a bit of comedy with the serious stuff!)
Followers of this conversation
already know that:
1) Modern high-yield, semi-dwarf
wheat created by geneticists in the 1970s has indeed NOT
been genetically-modified, applying the terminology of
geneticists. In other words, gene splicing techniques
have not been used to insert or delete genes in any
commercially available wheat strain today. (It is done
quite actively in research, however.) Instead, the
techniques used to generate the 25,000 current strains
of wheat were less precise, less predictable, less
controlled than genetic modification, involving techniques
like repetitive hybridization, crossing dissimilar strains,
backcrossing, embryo “rescue,” and chemical
and gamma ray and x-ray mutagenesis (induction of mutations).
In short, the techniques used to generate modern wheat were
far WORSE than the relatively controlled methods of genetic
modification. So Dr. Gaesser uses this semantic
sleight-of-hand to throw off the uninformed public.
(Is this the best the Wheat Lobby can do?)
2) People who consume whole grains
are indeed more slender and healthier . . . compared
to people who consume processed white flour products. But
that’s not the issue. The issue is what happens when
you eliminate wheat. That’s when you witness
the transformations, the relief from joint pain and stiffness
(as did Joe and Darleen, the interviewees in the report),
spectacular weight loss (27 pounds in 3 months for
Joe, 55 pounds over 6 months for Darleen),
reversal of multiple gastrointestinal complaints, and on and on.
I am grateful to Joe and Darleen,
who took the time and effort to be in my office for the
interview, as well as the WISN team who put together a
very nice report.