Sourced from: Infinite Health Blog, by Dr. Davis,
originally posted on the Wheat Belly Blog: 2012-12-09
The Acne Miracle: 2
Meredith added her story of relief from years
of severe acne by eliminating all wheat.
I noticed a huge difference in my skin after
going wheat-free.
When I was a teen, I had hardly any acne. But
after having my daughters, my face broke out and stayed that way.
I tried covering it up with makeup, but it was just too bad.
I tried almost every over-the-counter cleanser, even the high
cost ones out there, my doctor prescribed antibiotics, but nothing worked.
I have been so embarrassed to go out in public,
ashamed that people thought I wasn’t cleaning myself properly.
I even had people state that straight out, or some, even medical
professionals, ask if I had chicken pox or shingles!!!!! I felt
bad for my now teen girls having to be seen with a mom who looked like
this, but there was nothing I could do.
About 4 months ago I finally listened to my dad
and read the “Wheat Belly” book and changed my eating habits.
One of the first things I noticed was my face
changing, this was after only a week of no wheat! I was so excited
but also couldn’t believe it. There were many other changes, weight
loss being one of them (30 pounds so far) but I wanted to know for
sure that it was the wheat removal responsible for it, so we ordered
pizza one night. Within half an hour, I was running to the washroom
with an upset stomach and the very next day I had new acne pop up. Yes,
many people could say this is a coincidence, so I did this test a
couple more times and the same thing happened every time!
With going off the wheat, my face has almost
completely cleared (yes I have fallen and had a bit of wheat here and
there so I know I have to pay the price for the indulgence). I have
people who have known me for years comment on just how different I look
now. I don’t have to wear makeup any more to cover up and my
kids have even found their teen acne clearing!
It is a whole new life.
People in primitive cultures that consume no wheat
(or other grains) have no acne, teenagers included. When they consume wheat,
they get acne galore. When us modern people living modern lives, including
consumption of commercial processed foods like wheat–because the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans told us so!–we also develop acne.
And some, such as genetically-susceptible Wanda, can experience severe problems.
It’s the wheat, the food that was never
suited for human consumption in the first place, made much worse by the
introduction of semi-dwarf wheat crafted for increased yield–increased
yield-per-acre and increased human illness.