Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2015-08-04
on the Wheat Belly Blog,
sourced from and currently found at: Infinite Health Blog.
PCM forum Index
of WB Blog articles.
Spiced Raw Potato Smoothie
Here’s another excerpt from Wheat Belly Total Health, a recipe for Spiced
Raw Potato Smoothie.
Recall that we treat critically important bowel flora
as a garden in which you plant “seeds”–probiotics and
fermented foods containing healthy bacterial species–then nourish
them with prebiotic fibers/resistant starches to allow desired species to
proliferate and out-muscle undesirable species. A raw white potato is a
wonderful source of such fibers. While some people enjoy eating raw potatoes
like an apple, many do not and struggle with ways to incorporate them into
daily habits. Here is a very easy way: simply include your raw potato in
a low-carb smoothie.
This is just one smoothie flavor; many variations are
possible, of course: a handful of berries in place of the spices; unsweetened
cocoa powder (though more sweetener will usually be needed to overcome the
bitterness); green veggies/leafy greens; peanut or almond
butter + cocoa powder, etc.
Spiced Raw Potato Smoothie
Adding a raw potato is a way to add around 20 grams prebiotic fibers
to your daily intake. Because it is raw, the quantity of digestible carbohydrates
to add to blood sugar effects is negligible. In the beginning, 20 grams of
prebiotic fibers may be too much, so either set some of your smoothie aside for
another time (covered in refrigerator) or share with someone. You can also add
a raw potato to other smoothie recipes and it will thicken up considerably. Be
sure to pick potatoes that have no green skin coloring and skin the potato;
this avoids the low quantity of toxic residues of solanine contained in
green-colored skin.
Because the potato is dense, you will need a high-powered
blender or food processor for this. (I use a VitaMix or NutriBullet and they
easily handle the job.) Depending on your sensitivity to sweetness, you may or
may not need any additional sweetener, such as stevia or erythritol.
Makes approximately 2 cups
1 medium potato, raw, skinned and cubed
1 cup coconut milk (canned or carton)
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
Sweetener equivalent to 1 tablespoon sugar, if desired
¼-½ cup water to desired thickness
Combine potato, coconut milk, cinnamon, nutmeg,
sweetener, and water in blender and blend at high-speed until liquefied.
Add additional water, if necessary, to obtain desired thickness.