Originally posted by Dr. Davis on 2017-04-29
on the Wheat Belly Blog,
sourced from and currently found at: Infinite Health Blog.
PCM forum Index
of WB Blog articles.
Wheat Belly transformation
April shared her Wheat Belly experience of losing
weight and rediscovering health by rejecting all conventional dietary advice:
I feel like I have been on a journey to health
and wellness my whole life, trying to lose or maintain my weight in one way
or another. Weight Watchers, meal replacement shakes by Body by Vi,
Juice Plus, Advocare. Exercising to balance calories in, calories out,
low fat, calories counting, you name it!
“I gained 60 pounds after several major
life changes. I went to the medical doctor to discuss my weight gain
and she told me the classic – eat less, exercise more, count calories, low
fat, etc. I was so sick of hearing that – those strategies never
lasted long term. So I undoctored!
“In January, 2016, I talked with my
chiropractor about my weight. She suggested I try nutrition response
testing. I completed those tests and was found to be sensitive to
soy – go figure: the first ingredient in the meal replacement shake
mixes that I had taken. I cleared my cupboards and fridge of
all things soy – I was blown away by how many products
contained soy.
“At this time I also started my
self-education journey. The chiropractor I did nutrition response testing
with had Dr. Davis’ Wheat Belly Total Health book in his lending
library. I was intrigued and borrowed it – eventually getting it
on audio. (I am on the road a lot for work and listening to books
is easier.) At the beginning of May, 2016, I started to remove grains
from my eating. I read the Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox and went
all in mid-May, 2016. I have been on a mission to regain
health ever since. I didn’t do any of the grain replacement recipes
at the beginning because I wanted to get a good handle on the grain-free
lifestyle. I ate proteins, veggies, and healthy fats. I started
the recipes about six months in, but I have since decided to just use
them occasionally as treats.”
Among the more interesting aspects of
April’s wonderful response to the Wheat Belly lifestyle is the
improvement in the contours of the skin on her legs: the irregular
surface characteristic of cellulite appear to have receded dramatically,
a relatively common response with wheat/grain elimination. Such skin
changes, of course, parallel body-wide reduction in inflammation that
leads to long-term benefits such as greater weight loss, reduced insulin
resistance, and reduced potential for heart disease, cancer, and dementia.
And note that April is enjoying such extravagant
improvements in weight, health, and appearance with no meal replacement
shakes to buy, no weight loss supplements, no extreme exercise, no
counting calories or points.