This pig loves lipstick

How many ways can we modify, twist, bake, sprout,
compress, ferment, or add things to wheat
. . . and make it not wheat or
make it harmless, maybe even healthy?
Can we somehow subject wheat flour to lactic acid
fermentation, for instance, to make sourdough bread
and disable the lectins in wheat that provoke abnormal
intestinal permeability, inflammation, and block
cholecystokinin? Or completely reverse the
autoimmune-initiating effect of gliadin? Or the
calcium-, magnesium-, iron-, or zinc-binding effects
of phytates that cause you to lose all these minerals
into the toilet?
Can we sprout the seeds, as they do with Ezekiel Bread,
and rid the wheat of gliadin protein that stimulates appetite?
Is there a way to compress the flour as a wrap to prevent
the sudden surge of blood sugar to high levels provoked
by the amylopectin A of wheat?
If we avoid use of herbicides and pesticides and
declare wheat “organic,” does that mean the gluten,
gliadin, amylopectin A, and lectins are disabled?
The answers are no, no, no, and no. We can no more
change the basic genetics and biochemistry of wheat by
these methods than we can put a pilot’s hat and wings
on a chimpanzee and expect him to fly a 747.
A chimpanzee is a chimpanzee, no matter how good
he looks in a blue uniform, and wheat is wheat no
matter how smartly you dress it up.
These are the tortured manipulations that people go
through, however, in order to preserve the flow of
the gliadin-derived opioid peptides that addict them.
See through these shenanigans and enjoy magnificent
grain-free health, the way humans were supposed
to be all along.