Wheat Belly and Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox experience
I was going through some of my previous
Wheat Belly Blog posts and I came across this
wonderful post that I never published. It is
a magnificent and rapid story of success
experienced by Dyana living the Wheat Belly
lifestyle that, as belated as it is, is
still phenomenal.
Dyana did something a little different. While
she obtained extravagant and visible
improvements by engaging in the Wheat Belly
lifestyle, she took her health and
appearance even further by following the Wheat Belly
10-Day Grain Detox.

“I am a retired nurse and I never
rushed into the Wheat Belly because I know
diets and fads don’t work. I had
one of your books early 2014 and then began
to study and do research myself online and
watch a lot of your videos on how we have
been duped with poisoning of grains, food,
GMOs, sugar, etc. and made a conscious
decision to change my lifestyle.”
Dyana’s story gets even better. Even
after engaging in the Wheat Belly lifestyle,
she took the leap and followed all the
strategies of the Wheat Belly 10-Day
Grain Detox.
“This was me 11 days ago at the
start of the Detox”:

“And me now down 11.5 pounds.”

11.5 pounds in 10 days? Conventional thinkers,
of course, claim that this is impossible. But
it means that, beyond the loss of of fat weight,
Dyana is also losing inflammation and
edema—you can see it clearly in the
change in her face.
The original WBB post was found on the: ⎆Infinite Health Blog when this mirror was last revised, but accessing it there requires an unnecessary separate blog membership. The copy of it above is complete, and has been re-curated and enhanced for the Inner Circle membership.