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Cureality Health Tracks

Click any Health Track below to review the available lessons and certifications. Items with a check-mark indicate you have already earned the certification.

Welcome to the Cureality Health Tracks!

The Cureality experience is more effective if you are allowed to advance through the various programs in a directed manner and at your own pace—and acknowledged by the Cureality Community for your effort!

The Cureality Health Tracks are composed of lessons designed to reinforce the material introduced in the Cureality Program Guide. The courses allow you to better understand and apply the concepts presented to optimize your personal health plan.

Lessons in each Track focus on a specific health issue and provides not only the opportunity to learn but to engage with the Cureality Community by asking questions and securely logging your own health data. Your health data can be kept private for personal use or you can share with the Cureality Community as you seek additional insight into health issues important to you.

Each course lesson is divided into the following course categories.
  • Lesson Video: An introductory message from Dr. Davis about the focus of the lesson.
  • Lesson Goal: A brief statement about what you will learn and why it is important.
  • Learn More: Links to supporting material found in the Cureality Library.
  • Lesson Activities and Treatment Tips: Activities you can pursue outside of Cureality with your health care provider.
  • Tracking Exercises: Quick and easy options to log personal health data relevant to the lesson. This data can remain private or marked as public to be shared with other Cureality Members.
  • Community Help: If at any time you have a quick question about anything related to the lesson, you can post a quick question to the Cureality Community. Member answers will be immediately directed to your personal Members page.
  • Proficiency Awards: After reviewing course material, you are offered the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge by answering a few multiple-choice questions about the material. Correct answers are indicated immediately. There is no limit to how often you may answer. When all questions are answered correctly, you can choose to receive a Proficiency Award that appears in your Member Profile and is visible to all Cureality Members. The Proficiency Awards not only reassure you that you have mastered the material, but demonstrate your proficiency to everyone in the Cureality Community.
Because the Health Tracks are an online electronic resource new additions and updates to the Cureality Program will always appear here first. You are encouraged to review the Health Tracks from time to time even if you have already earned the Proficiency Certification for a given Track. Health information changes rapidly so you never know when some useful or even life changing discovery will be made!

You can select Health Tracks and lessons in any order based on your needs and interest. Keep progressing until you successfully find your health answers!

A Message from Dr. Davis

Seeking Your Cure
Cureality Diet
Cureality Exercise
Bone Health
Heart Health
Thyroid Health
Diabetes / Pre-diabetes
Weight Loss
High Blood Pressure
Atrial Fibrillation
Skin Health
Digestive Health
Health Test Manager
Health Treatment Manager
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