Chocolate and blood pressure

A recent very detailed and clean study on the effects of a small serving of dark chocolate on blood pressure was just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

I was going to do a little Blogging on this interesting study but I read the Fanatic Cook's wonderfully insightful comments. I'd direct you to her discussion, instead: A small daily dose of dark chocalate lowers blood pressure at I couldn't have said it any better.

By the way, the authors of the study had no financial ties to the chocolate or cocoa industry. Refreshing.

Comments (1) -

  • Anonymous

    2/16/2011 9:43:02 PM |

    I do have my dark chocolate every day. But what seems to work even better is the 3 oz of beet juice, once in the morning and once in the evening (I do that just to keep the effects even...)
